Jumat, 04 Juli 2008

Long Life Education

Long life education, this slogan explain to us that education is important for everyone, when and wherever they are. Educations have so important meaning, because without education the human being is difficult to expand. So, education must have a purpose to repair human resource qualified, for their knowledge and morality.

Our education system aims to educating life nation and developing human being of Indonesia as intact as, that is godly and religious human being to God Which is Single and kind of hearted, owning skill and knowledge, corporeal health and the spirit, settled personality, self-supporting and also feel nationality and social responsibility. Education have to able to draw up citizen in order to earn the active sharing in the entire of all life field, smart, active, creative, skillful, downright have, discipline and having high moral, democratic, and lenient with majored association nation rather than dissolution.

Four education pillar now and the future which cymbal by UNESCO which require to be developed by formal education institute, that is: (1) learning to Know (learn to know), (2) learning to do (learn to do/conduct something) in this case we are claimed to be skillful in doing/conducting something, (3) learning to be (learn to become somebody), and (4) learning to live together (learn to experience coexistence).

In order to realize learning to know, Teacher properly functions as facilitator. Despitefully learn claimed to earn personating of collage in dialoguing with student in developing domination of and also knowledge certain science.

Learning to do (learn to do/conduct something) will be able to walk if school facilitated student to actualize their skill, and also their enthusiasm and talent. Although talent and enthusiasm of child, a lot of influenced by the element of clan but it can be depend on their environment. Educations applied should be according to requirement socialize or requirement of area of place.

Learning to be (learn to become somebody) is related with enthusiasm and talent, physical growth and psychological, personal typology of child and also their environmental condition. For aggressive child, process development will walk when given him a break wide enough for creation. On the contrary for passive child, roles learn and learn as director at one blow facilitator very required for the student to develop their self maximally.

Habit coexist, each other esteem, opened, giving and take (take and give), need to grow and develop in our environment. This condition is enabling happening process "learning to live together" (learn to experience coexistence). Applying of this fourth Pillar felt more and more important in globalism era of global emulation. Need to learn of attitude mutually understanding usher race, tribe, and the religion in order to waste various opposition which coming from the things.

Thereby, demand of education now and the future have aimed to improve quality of professional and intellectual ability and also the attitude, personality and moral of human being in Indonesia generally. Ably and the attitude human being of expected such Indonesia can seat our self prestigiously in society of the world in era of this globalization.

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Mari Pelihara Negeri Ini

Sudah sekian puluh tahun negara kita memproklamirkan kemerdekaannya, sudah selama itu pula bangsa kita memulai kehidupan sebagai negara yang berdaulat membangun sebuah tata kehidupan yang gemah ripah loh jinawi. Sudah banyak kita rasakan dan kita lihat perubahan-perubahan pada negeri kita, pembangunan-pembangunan sarana dan prasarana telah terlengkapi sedikit demi sedikit, akan tetapi sedikit demi sedikit pula kerusakan kita timbulkan akibat perubahan yang kita buat dengan tidak sama sekali memperhitungkan faktor keseimbangan ekosistem. Kerusakan-kerusakan yang kita timbulkan sedikit-demi sedikit akan terakumulasi dengan menimbulkan bencana yang besar bagi kehidupan umat manusia. Tengok sajalah mengenai permasalahan banjir yang tiap tahun kita alami di berbagai daerah, bukan saja kerugian material akan tetapi juga kerugian immaterial yang kita alami. Permasalahan banjir adalah bencana yang terjadi akibat komplektivitas kerusakan yang kita timbulkan mulai dari hulu DAS hingga hilir. Di daerah hulu pembukaan lahan yang sembrono, penebangan hutan besar-besaran dan mengganti hutan dengan perkebunan, atau menghilangkan tanaman yang memiliki perakaran kuat. Di daerah hillir menutup daerah-daerah yang berfungsi sebagai penyerapan air dengan bangunan-bangunan sehingga menghalangi infiltrasi air ke dalam tanah. Satu kerusakan saja yang kita timbulkan akan mengakibatkan keseimbangan lingkungan terganggu, sebagi misal illegal logging, dengan illegal logging akan berakibat terjadinya longsor lahan, pemanasan global, banjir dan intrusi air laut ke daratan, terganggunya ekosistem dan lain sebagainya. Melihat hal tersebut maka sebagai generasi bangsa mulai dari sekarang marilah kita rubah paradigma dan pola pikir masyarakat kita dari pola pikir yang semau gue kepada pola pikir yang penuh tanggung jawab.